Thursday, December 26, 2013

Can something be Unnatural?

When a bunch of crows landed in the land of peacocks, they looked the peacocks. Their hoarse sound, their ability to fly, their small size - it was all just the peacocks. Unnatural. The peacocks declared all crows as "unnatural". Any crow would now be imprisoned. If they wanted to live, they better be a peacock. The crows had no option but to try and become a peacock. Some stopped flying, others stopped crowing because they dared not use their real voice, while others stuck peacock feathers and pranced around....that's when the actual perversion started. In 10 years, everybody forgot what a peacock really looked like and nobody knew what a crow was....all that was left is majority always accusing the minority of being wrong, and the majority winning. Because they are the majority.


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