Sunday, December 30, 2012
"But I did not do it!!" - A true story
7. Helpful questions(NOT directions)
- What part of reality am I ignoring, refusing to understand(NOT 'agree' with) - no matter how ugly, or downright wrong it is? If it is REAL, it deserves to be understood. If our understanding is partial, the solution will be partial. The unattended parts will eventually grow and come back to haunt us.
- Does my solution seek to integrate the entire reality, or simply try to 'censor out' the uncomfortable parts - through killing, scaring, intimidating? If it's the latter, I am just deluding myself. It is impossible. It might work for the minority, or in the short term. It's like hiding the ugly sapling under a cloak. But reality keeps growing, regardless of our preferences and will emerge eventually - and will be much stronger by then.
- Before I attempt to change reality, does my solution seek to understand reality as it IS right NOW(considering the people, system, costs, taxes, corruption, leaders, culture, diversity, biases, poverty, lack of education, personal feuds, level of passion, engagement, apathy, interest), or simply state on how it SHOULD BE, no matter how low or minimal these standards are? If the starting point is not in the PRESENT, we can never start. Only scream that we SHOULD.
- Do I ask 'What is right?' or 'What is true?'. Rightness is subjective, conceptual and hence static, unchanging. It is easy to get attached to my own concepts, 'fight' for it. Because if 'I AM Right', being wrong would mean that I dying. The inquiry becomes a battle. If I am seeking the truth, being wrong would mean seeing what I hold as 'false'. I would happily let it die. So that the new me can live. There is no 'threat'. The inquiry becomes a 'team investigation' rather than a contest. This realization is helpful when we challenge and analyze our core beliefs, practices. It allows us to keep asking 'Why?'. To treat 'wrongs' as an outcome, rather than a cause.
- Am I blaming the 'system'? Do I realize that the system is just an ugly concept that I think I can dissociate from? Do I see that the system is not just the government - but the sum total of the people who run it, who created it, who use it, the way in which they use it, who change it, who refuse to change it, who leave it, their actions, their thoughts. MY 'concept' of the system is the RESULT of this complicated inter-relationship. My REACTION to this concept, along with others' is playing a role right now, on what this system will become NEXT. I am both - the cause and the result. I think I can blame it, that I can dissociate from it - because I do not SEE this oneness. My vision is not big enough to see the entire system. But that does not mean I am not a part of it. So what I do right NOW, at THIS moment, every moment becomes supremely important. Suddenly, blame gives way to a sense of great responsibility. An easier way to understand, is the response of young children to their family environment. The world might be much bigger, parents might come in a million shades - but for the children, the parents ARE the only world they have. That is their 'world view'. The responses they cultivate in response to their parents, are the only responses they know in dealing with the world. But since these responses are limited, the world they can create by their actions is also limited. Almost similar, with a little difference. This world they are creating right now, will be the one pass on to their children. They are the cause and the product of the world.
- Do my 'laws' consider the beliefs of the enforcers(whats true vs Whats right)? The swiftness of justice is directly correlated to their degree of belief in the laws.
- Do I ask 'WHO is wrong?' or 'WHAT is wrong?'. It can lead to either an argument or an intelligent discussion
Changing the system - An allegorical story
The medical report was impossible to ignore. SYSTEM CRITICAL!
Muscle tissues had eroded. Had Blamed the sedentary work.Cholesterol was touching the roof. Had blamed the wife for not cooking right. The stress test would blow a fuse. Blamed the boss for it.
I was absolutely sure i had blamed the right people all along. But somehow, the blames hadnt helped over the years. Nothing changed. What had i done to deserve this? A possible death in one year? I felt so helpless!
Enough was enough! Something had to be done! All these bloody bosses had to be killed. Tough times demand tough measures. But then who would run the company? It was a mess anyway, but it is where my family bread came from. Guess i would have to endure the pain in this godforsaken company. i felt so helpless! Why did somebody not do something?
But enough was enough! I am not even sure i could trust the report in the first place. The doctors nowadays are no less corrupt. Might lie to sell the next medicine on the block and earn a fat commission. But the problem was i had to do something! Before i ended up dead for no fault of mine! I could not change the boss, the company, the wife or the doctor. I was damned to work with what i have.
Well, so be it! Something had to be done to improve the system!!!
So for the first time in 15 years....i decided to exercise. Just imagine! I wasting one hour of my life, day after day...for someone elses fault!
But the problems began as soon as i hit the gym. The mind said "it was time to act. And very soon. Eough was enough. Something radical had to be done. My system had to change and become strong in a week max" The gym instructor did not share my seriousness. Kept blabbering some philosophical crap about it is a slow process, huge chnages are not possible, taking small steps at a time if any real change had to come, trying to not just work on the system but myself first. How i wished he could save his crap for some lecture. Culdnt he understand the seriousness? It was time to ACT! Not engage in philosophy! These damn philosophers posing as pseudo instructors! Did they even know what the real world was like?? Would it a surprise if my system did not change if left at the mercy of these fools?
But things had to get worse. As soon as i picked up the first dumb bell for my biceps, my heart refused to cooperate. "i have had enough!" they said. "i have been exploited enough. I pump the blood, and biceps get the benefit!" The biceps were not polite either..."have you seen how much fat you have stored inside you over the years you fat loaf? Have you observed what happens if you have to pump blood at even a bit faster rate? We are the victims here! Had it not been for you, this system would be great. Not looking at the face of death" how could i work with weights if the parts of the system were busy calling each other a burden in the first place. Decided to try simple walking. Why the heck could they not understand that they were all parts of the same system? The heart was only as good as the heavy lifting the biceps had done. The biceps could only expect the amount of blood that they had made the heart to pump over the years! But they would never understand. Incompetent fools!
"I understand" said the pinky finger on my left foot,"but i am just a little finger on the left foot. Whats gonna change by me trying to work? Imagine the huge improvements we could have achieved if these so called leaders...these hands...the legs...the heart for god sake...just did their job right!"
The legs were hopeless "how dare you blame us? Do you remember how you bought a beautiful watch for the left hand? Ask your dearie to help you out now"
As a last resort i pleaded the right leg. After all it was the dominant one and could put its foot down more strongly. "i will not fall for your sweet talk" it said. "do you know that the left leg hogs the nutrients for nothing. Am i dominant only when it comes to work? Why should i share? The first right on this section of the nutrients should be mine!!!"
Finally it gave in after i read the medical report one more time. Started to walk half heartedly dragging its feet. The left leg obliged grudgingly. But it lasted for about ten minutes only. I checked my system quickly. The biceps, hips, back, forearms, calves, abs were all still the same!! Nothing had changed!! "i told you so" said the right leg "what can i do alone? Quit dreaming and be happy with what you have! Even if you are aout to kill yourself. I am sure your brain would conjure up some poetry about your indomitable spirit, your ability to not get affected by events and get back on your feet and other sweet things. Life is short. Have fun!!"
I felt so helpless. It wasnt my fault to begin with. But i still tried, didnt i? If only these parts understood that there is no system. They ARE the system. They landed themselves into the bad events they we trying to delude themselves out of! Life was short. But they had made it much shorter! And painful! And were living in denial!
Its been two years now. My heart suffered yet another shock when the reports came out. When will these fools learn? When will things change? I pray for myself with all my heart. But even God does not seem to care...hey wait, what's this poster..."...sometimes its not your fault, but you still suffer...its unfair..." Exactly!! Atlast somebody who understands!! " have tried everything, but nothing seems to work.." Wow!! I love this guy!! "...Its no use blaming yourself, it's a lie manufactured by those pseudo intellectuals..." Exactly!! "Because the real problem is somebody ELSE..NOT you!!! IF your boss had been a good boss, you would not have been stressed. If the politicians had done their job right, you would not be suffering this harrowing commute...." Atlast somebody who has the courage to admit the truth, and say it out aloud!!! "...I will offer you a way to control them, to stop them..There is always light at the end of the tunnel. Are you prepared to devote yourself to me, to get the happiness that was RIGHTFULLY yours???? .....Contact: Baba Hitler"
Now THAT's the man I will surrender to...he can be my only saviour!
Saturday, December 29, 2012
6. Conclusion & Summary
- If our past records are anything to go by, we have failed miserably in figuring out this problem. Accepting that is the only option to open up our minds to something new, anything new. And our only hope.
- We want it, but maybe not strongly enough. We either want it or we don’t. Conditions cannot apply. Those conditions are all part of the problem. What is left at the end is our choice
- Law is not about morality. It is about actions an consequences
- The power of a law lies in the certainty, not in the cruelty, of its consequence
- Justice is the mechanism to make this certainty possible, not to judge it or to restore harmony or provide closure.
- It is easier to believe what we actually SEE happening. Faster the justice, more easy it becomes to TRUST the law. More meaningful it becomes to respect it.
- The speed of justice depends on its enforcers, and hence on their belief in it. Enforcers are people, who come from society. Their beliefs are dictated by society.
- They can make it work with or despite the system. They use and therefore determine the efficiency of the system. System meaning processes.
- Effective laws are a true reflection of social beliefs . Hence the degree of change and enforcement is fast. Attempts to change beliefs by changing laws are meaningless.
- Hence understanding what IS, becomes more important than thinking what SHOULD BE
- There is nothing called the ‘system’. We ARE the system. The government, the politicians, the voters are all PARTS of that system.
- Our demands for change are most often demands for conformance. Change cannot be demanded. It is a process of creation. We can only let it happen. Be ready to let the old die, so that something new can be born
- Who conforms to whom is not about morality, but about power. Every dog has its day, but still nothing changes
- A good change is a step towards the truth, a bad change is a step away from the truth
- Since reality cannot be partial, , and has to involve the good, the bad and the ugly, the only way we can change it is to see it and be prepared to work with it in all its ugly glory
- We are ALL in it together. We might not need to blame ourselves for the past, but we are all responsible for the future. The timing, nature, delay of this future will be determined by each one of us
5. The importance of ‘Seeing’
Let us try to bring all the things we read together in the 6. Conclusion and Summary
4. The truth about ‘Change’
3. Myths about the ‘Law’ : What it is and what it's not and cannot be
Now Let us know 4. The truth about ‘Change’
2. What exactly do we want? How badly?
1. We have not figured this one out – do we agree?
Everybody(From the train travelers, to FB users, to the intellectuals) seems to roughly know what IS the problem: The system, the politicians, some agree we are also responsible, our education system, our culture, westernization. There seems to be universal agreement on exactly who is to blame.