Saturday, October 11, 2014

When are we really happy?

In a country where need far exceeds resources, most of us have fought, struggled, fallen, risen, pushed, elbowed a lot, even to get very little.
But somewhere along the line, do we get so used to competing, that we forget to notice when we have enough - and its time to start sharing?
'Sharing' can start only when we have stopped 'wanting'. It is not a means to CREATE happiness. It is a statement that we ARE finally happy.
So the best question to find out if we are really happy might not be "Have I got enough of what I had been wanting?" but "Have I got enough to start sharing?"
As a silly man once truly said "Poverty is a state of mind". It's easy to see how the wealthiest, most ambitious people can have souls living in abject poverty and unhappiness. Perhaps he was speaking about himself and us, more than others.

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