Thursday, September 18, 2014

The underlying meaning of the movie 'Finding Fanny'

For people who hated Finding Fanny because it was too 'unrealistic' or too weird....or liked it only for the great goes much deeper than that. Its not just about 4-5 whackos on a road trip. It is about the utter meaninglessness and randomness of life. the whole irony of it. WE attach 'deep meanings' and 'lessons' and 'wisdom' to events - but the universe just does not care! It does not function according to our expectations.We are insignificant specks trying to choose random beads and weave together a beautiful story to celebrate ourselves.
For people who already got it, stop here. Others read on...

Pankaj Kapoor is an extreme egotist. He thinks the world revolves around him....but nobody notices even when he DIES! But his painting lives on and becomes a masterpiece....though it seemed 'weird' to begin with. Ranveer singh is the quintessential 'positive' guy who thinks everybody loves him, people cannot say 'no' to him...dies cos his mom tried to save a few pennies on the CAKE decoration...on his wedding!! Naseer lives an illusion his entire life...even gets to PURSUING it.....even ACHIEVES it...but the dream itself turns out to be a joke. Fanny did not even THINK about him, in fact she was a pretty 'colorful' lady. Dimple is trying to be 'in control' - but her life is built on a secret lie. She even thanks naseer for guarding it - AFTER he has disclosed it. She is supposed to be the pupeteer of the village - but Pankaj kapoor controls her like a puppet(when he paints)
Deepika even says at the end..that she would have loved to say 'the journey has given her wisdom etc...but has it?'
The letter itself is the most beautiful example. It never made its way to Fanny. Forget being 'not delivered' - it did not even START on its way. Naseer was exactly at the same spot 40 years ago - but he made long journeys IN HIS MIND. In fact, he is in the same spot from a JOB perspective - having taken up the spot of the same guy who screwed up his love life in the first place. The irony!!
Nothing is at it seems. What we are chasing are often our own illusions. We think we are in control, but its just lucky, merry coincidence.So relax. You are totally out of control 
