Friday, August 23, 2013

What is the nature of Evil?

Every time evil incidents like the Mumbai Rape case happen, we start rambling about our rich past, "preserving Indian culture", about how great we once were, about how great we can be. That allows us to procrastinate. 
Culture is what is happening NOW, not 3000 years back. What is happening now is what we ARE. This is not a brief detour from the past. We ARE sick right now. That is the only reality - the rest is imagination. 

Friday, August 09, 2013

Indo/Pak issue: Is War ever an option?

It is. But it is meaningless and futile if we make it the ends. As a means to a 'victory', rather than peace. If we forget to ask the aforementioned question: "Will it reduce the overall conflict?", and unless we know exactly HOW. It is choosing the lesser evil.

Indo/Pak issue: War or Peace?

Is the Pakistan/India situation really that complex? Or have we made it that way? Can we try to simply clear our vision, brush off some dust and see if we can reduce the complexity from a million units to a dozen?

War or peace?

I often hear this message going around "Enough of peace, now it's time for war!". But do we realize that  we can only give war a chance, not peace. Peace is not an entity that you can choose. It is simply the absence of violence.  Like health is simply a absence of disease.
