Sunday, July 14, 2013

The eternal question: Which side do I choose?

This article was written as a response to an opinion I read on Facebook. Which talked about how NOT taking any side was even worse than taking the 'wrong' side. That a lot of misery in the world was wrought by people who did not take any side, who chose indifference, who chose not to act. Is this true? 

The most common struggles have been around 'which side to take?', or should we be 'detached'. Does that mean 'indifference' - inaction? How can inaction in face of a problem be the answer? This does merit some investigation.

Taking sides is thinking one side it right. Indifference is thinking both sides are wrong. We are still taking a side, a third side - which is defined by the boundaries defined by the other 2 sides. We are, whatever they are NOT. There is a division, and therefore conflict nonetheless. 

The hate towards the indifferent is no different than the hate towards the person who takes the opposite side. We might think we respect the latter a little more, but we still hate him. The semanticschange, but hate is hate - regardless of the words, concepts, respectability around it. Once the 'division' comes into being, the seed is already planted. 

The problem is taking any side at all, including NOT taking a side at all. We think that the ones who take sides are alive - sensitive. And that the ones who don't are insensitive, dead - and therefore 'wrong'. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Taking a side means the decision to let a belief(a system, a person, an ideology) override reality. This renders us numb, immune, insensitive to a highly volatile, ever-changing reality. 

In fact, the 'alive' feeling experienced when taking a side is because we are "united in dividing ourselves" from the opposite of our belief. Without realizing that the division created in the process is itself the problem. Which side of the division you are on really does not matter. Of course, we might think that the suffering that arises from choosing our side is more noble, more holy, more 'worth it', for a greater cause - but those are just ideas. The fact is the division, and hence the conflict. Indifferentpeople are the ones who divide themselves from everybody else; thats the belief they NOT choose - the division still exists. And therefore the 'passive' consequences, misery that arises out of it. 

Creating an ideology is separating ourselves from the problem. A really sensitive person is concerned ONLY about the problem. He jumps into it with both feet, without any attempt to conceptualize around it, to define a belief, then waste energy in fighting FOR THE belief rather than the problem. The solution

might include realizing the limitations of his own beliefs. And belief forbid....The usefulness of the belief of the other side! He acts not to defeat the other side, but to defeat the DIVISION itself. 

A sensitive person ACTS, but not out of 'belief'. He is not 'anchored'. He cannot afford to rely on belief if he has to adapt himself, his answers to the ever changing questions that arise at every step. He produces results without caring what 'system', 'ideal' the believers choose to call it or him. 

Systems and beliefs are for the procrastinators. The genuinely sensitive people care too much, and for everybody to worry about these things. They just jump in to do what's NECESSARY, not to do what's 'right'.

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