Sunday, September 22, 2013

Veil of fear

Sometimes we don't communicate out of fear of confirming our positive perceptions to be false...
Sometimes we don't communicate out of fear of confirming our negative perceptions to be true...
But we do not communicate.

It's not about being true or false.
It's not about being positive or negative.
Simply the fear of having to lose our perceptions - whatever they are!
So we do not communicate...

And when we do, its through this veil of fear.
Every word perverted, every touch distorted,
Every intention suspected. To fit our own fears.
We cannot communicate...How can we?
To communicate is to commune - but the veil already separates us.

We do not live to find the truth, but to protect our perceptions
but perceptions being the flimsy things they are,
In danger of being crushed by the waves of reality
So the veil becomes a wall, the wall a fort.
The fort lives forever, and we are happy to shrivel inside and die!

Why do we choose perception over truth?
Fear over freedom?
My beliefs define who "I" am
And perceptions are static. Forts are dead - but certain you see.
To lose them is to live on shaky ground, in uncertainty
But "I" has to die for I to be free.

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